Wednesday 29 February 2012

....dipping ones toes.

It is a far far scarier thing I do now than I have done before but here goes, a bit about what makes me tick just to kick things off.  
Wacky,  that probably sums it up really.

The title?

Spinning is like a blood transfusion or walking over Dartmoor (which I don't do as often as I'd like) It's the one time when my mind stops spinning as the hands take over.
A tangled web is not only the state of my mind but aludes to the freeform crochet I delight in creating.  There are no rules to tie me down or pin my spirit to a tree.  I can fly and soar with this faster than any other creative drug I have tried before. 
Is Scarily, you have no idea how.  
Great because for the first time in my life I think I am ready to say this is me, take me or leave me I am what I am.  

Now to do some mundane work so the new (second hand) dishwasher can get up the stairs tonight!